Wednesday, May 9, 2012

MWF Seeking Motivation...

That's the best thing I can say about the past few weeks. Ugh.
There has been too much life in my life lately. Throw in some good old fashioned familial drama along with the depressing day-to-day job search, it's enough to make anyone want to crawl under a rock.
And then today happens. I get up right after my husband leaves, seeking to get back at it and conquer the Dam. My hopes are dashed as quickly as I open the curtains and see the downpour. No dam today. Dam it! (I couldn't resist!)

So here I sit, just about to dive into a fresh Kale salad (got a recipe from my friend Meghan and I will post later), only to be back at the Blah.

I've spent a good part of the day looking at Facebook posts of other inspirational people that are out there getting it done. I am quite certain that they have had days or weeks or maybe even years of days like this, and yet they still went out there and they still did it.

Makes me feel a bit pathetic actually. I sit and think of every reason why I shouldn't:

  • Not sure where to start. I want to slim down, but I want to develop lean muscle....
  • I need to stop flip flopping around on my routine. I need to pick something and stick with it...
  • I could go on and on, but I won't...
There are a million reasons why I can't, and they hold up about as good as a spaghetti noodle in a pasta dish- not very well.

It's in these moments that I have to stop myself... and the persistent whining... and say- GET UP OFF OF YOUR BUTT!!! YOU HAVE A GREAT LIFE AND YOU DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY AND FIT!

That's really all that seems to ever work for me. Just being honest and acknowledging for the umpteenth time that if I don't do this for me, no one else will. That's the truth.

So I am back on the wagon. I am gonna get something done today. And I will tell you all about it tomorrow.

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