Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Techno Tuesday: Yep, There's An App For That

(Disclaimer: The reviewer of this product was not compensated or provided with any products by the manufacturer of this product. All opinions are submitted as such and have not been swayed by any such provision.)
As most everyone is aware, this blog has a dedicated focus of health and fitness. Henceforth, I am pronouncing Tuesdays as "Techno Tuesday"! This will feature an app or some type of gadget like wizardry that can enhance your journey.

I have found that I rely VERY heavily on my smart phone. If I were to lose it, I would be lost (seriously, it has GPS on it!!! lol). There are so many apps out there, so how do you tell what's what?

Ditching The Granny Panties (DTGP) to the rescue!

One of my most difficult struggles is most often the weekly shopping trip.
I have adopted the “perimeter” strategy of grocery shopping, as advocated by most health and fitness professionals. (This essentially gives you the fruits & vegetables, meats, and dairy. )Let's be realistic. There are still staples and other items (if you have kids or a sweet tooth!) that you will have to breach the perimeter to secure. So what do ya do?

Enter the app Fooducate. 

These Images are from an Iphone. Sorry Android users, it's what I got!

By simply scanning the barcode of an item, you can gain a wealth of knowledge about the particular item, including an actual letter grade. You can also find out what's in the product (and what those pesky ingredients mean) and debunk or support those claims of health.

Use Your Camera Phone to scan the Barcode of the product.

You can search by category or by scanning the particular item with your cell phone camera. Some other features are that you can see the product highlights and lowlights, compare this particular item with other items and even select healthier alternatives (my favorite option!).

It is very enlightening. You think some things are super healthy because they are labelled "organic" or "low fat", but despite these claims there is sometimes worse stuff lurking within a product than you realize. For example, a few weeks ago, I went to Whole Foods and I found some Organic pop tarts there. I was delighted to find them, until I scanned them into Fooducate. Turns out that they were worse than the sugar laden, preservative riddled variety we had bought prior to our move towards clean eating.  So it turns out, it’s a pretty informative tool.

If you are slowly making changes (that's awesome), you can use this to find healthier alternatives for things you already eat. Now, some of the options may not be that much better, but better is better! This will definitely help you to make better choices and to be mindful of the food you are eating!


WHERE:        This can be found in both the ITUNES and Android markets.
COST:           It’s free. There is a paid version available that does not have the  ads,         but as far as functionality is concerned, it’s not worth the extra $$$.
Ease of Use: If you can take a picture, you can use this app (Even if you can't, you can manually enter in the barcode for the same results!
Other Features:                                Standard Facebook and Pinterest sharing available.
THE BOTTOM LINE:         Get it. Try it. See if it doesn’t make a difference in your nutrition. It will only work if you heed its recommendations. If you still opt to buy junk, this app won’t help you.

For More Information on this product, visit www.fooducate.com.

Well, that's it for this first edition of Techno Tuesday. What would you like to see reviewed? Email me at ditchingthegrannypanties@gmail.com, tweet me at @DTGPForever, or visit me at www.facebook.com/nomorepants1978.

Until Next Time, keep on keepin on!

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