Thursday, July 12, 2012

All's Quiet on the Panty-Less Front


I forgot what it was like to get up, get ready, drive to work and then work an eight hour day. I won't lie: At the end of most days, it takes all I can do to get home, scrounge some food together and make it to bed. And that's at 6 PM.

Needless to say my diet and exercise regimens have totally been in the crapper. I forgot how hard all of this was, much less trying to do it and being remotely health at the same time. And since I don't have children, I can't imagine how all of you moms get it done, either.

Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband. He's patient and understanding, and doesn't get mad when I get in the bed- AT 7 PM.

Tomorrow will signal the end of three weeks that I have been working. It's also the end of this marked siesta I have been taking as well. No doubt I feel bad, I have been eating nothing but crap!

I am over the excuses, though. I have made every one of these decisions, and I am living with the consequences. The first step in reclaiming my health is to leave the excuses where they belong- in the past. Life is messy. It's stressful and it's always going to be, for the most part, anyway. I have learned that I have to be able to adapt, and if that means making a bad decision every now and again, then so be it. This doesn't mean that such things should be carte blanche, it simply means that you must position yourself in such a way as these decisions to be very unlikely or even applicable. And how can you do that?

Devise a plan. Live the plan. Stick to the plan. Work the plan.

So what's my plan, you ask?

I am glad you asked!

1. I am going to resume P90X. I have owned that program for over 3 years and I am going to get it done.
2. The crap is done. (the husband and I are venturing to the beach this weekend to visit family. We'll be back in time to make a full shopping trip on Sunday to prep for Monday.
3. Sleep. I am committing to at least 8 hours of sleep nightly. If I have to leave my husband on the couch watching Pawn Stars, then that's the way that proverbial cookie will go down.

Sounds like a lot and a little all rolled into one. It is a lot, but it's doable. First steps are the hardest, but the end result will be worth all or the little bumps in the road.
For now, grab those granny panties, hoist them up the flag pole and let them fly proudly. You are not what you wear, but somehow you will always be what you eat.
Til next time,
