Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Finding my stride

I haven't written in a few weeks, but I have been on my "journey" so to speak.

I am going to water aerobics on Tuesday and Thursday, led by my friend Robyn Dowling. It's awesome and I love leaving work at 4:30 to go (I have been in that 8-5 rut for so long, that 4:30 feels like I am getting out early. I am not, just taking a shorter lunch).

I also went this week and signed up at the Jewish Center of Columbia. Today will be the first day that I go to a water aerobics class there, but I am rather looking forward to it.

I have also decided that I am going to start swimming. This is likely going to take some time to get going, but I am starting today.. after water aerobics. This is my plan.

I chose water aerobics because land exercise is just too much for me and my back... at least right now. I played tennis this weekend (or attempted to, rather) and I really think I aggravated my back. (I think a chiropractor is in my not too distant future) I digress. It's just working out in the water is just a better option for me right now.

And I love the water! My grandmother had a pool when I was younger and I can't tell you how many hours I spent in it. My cousins and I did our own versions of surfing and gymnastics. Those were the best times. I think, though, that my love for the water stems from the fact that I never really felt out of place or uncomfortable in the pool. Outside, however, is another issue.

So as I close out this post, I think that I am making steps. I am far away from where I will ultimately be, but I am not where I was three weeks ago, either. Like anything else in life, there is a certain amount of give and take.

Until next time.....


Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, it has been over a week since I posted last.

No huge changes, as yet. I am just trying to navigate through this with as much sanity as is possible. I have pretty much realized that until I move (and have a REAL kitchen), that I am going to have to slow step it.

Tuesday, I went to my first water aerobics class. I haven't really exercised in a while and I wanted to start with something that would be as low-trauma as possible (and I am moving in the next two weeks, so I have to save my back).

It was great! Robyn, my wonderful hair stylist, teaches water aerobics all over town. She has a class in the evenings on Tuesdays and Thursdays and she told me I could come try it out.

I did. It was wonderful. It was so laid back and I could feel the workout. I didn't feel judged by anyone else there and it was fun. An added bonus- ABBA music was playing :)

Now, don't get me wrong, it wasn't all a walk in the park (or a swim). My heart rate got up there. Usually, when I workout, I am constantly glaring at the clock, waiting for it to be over. I really didn't pay attention to the clock in this class.

We worked everything. Abs, legs. arms... It was truly a whole body workout.

After it was over, we got to sit on the side of the pool and enjoy the water jets. It was so relaxing and a nice treat after the workout.

I signed up officially yesterday. This is going to be my starting point. I have been approached by another friend about playing tennis some and I think I am going to do that too.

I am trying a new approach with all this. I want to look forward to exercising and I think in order to do that, I need to take a new angle. Instead of exercising as a chore, I am going to come at this as if the exercise is more of an afterthought. The activity is my motivation.

I have started to eat breakfast as well. For the last three days, I have ventured down to the cafeteria. All of my choices have probably not been the best, but I think that starting the day off with a more substantial meal (more so than a nutri-grain bar of fiber-one bar) is helping to keep my appetite in check.

It's really been a low stress week, so I have been able to better listen to my body and eat when I am hungry, instead of eating for the sake of eating. Sadly, I am very much an emotional eater. I eat when I am happy and I eat when I am not happy. I am trying to maneuver within that middle ground in order to maximize my efforts.

So far, it seems to be working. I am down to 240.8 lbs. (My weight does fluctuate somewhat, so we shall see). When I step on the scale, I like to think that that will be the last time that I weigh that much ever. It's the last time I will see those numbers when I step on the scale. I live in the real world and I know that especially when I start ramping up my efforts, and introduce strength training, that this may not always be the case.

Regardless, at least I know I am headed in the right direction.

Until Later....

B ;)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Beginning

Finnegan- begin-again....

Today, I think, it finally dawned on me. I am never going to wake up and just be the person that I want to be, physically or emotionally, without taking some significant steps.

I have been waiting for the day that I feel I am ready, the day that "it's gonna work", the day that I can fit 4 extra hours or some extra energy in somewhere, they day that I have realized, that will ultimately never come.

I don't want to go on a diet. I don't want to exercise. I don't want to count calories or servings or have to think about the food that I eat, or the quantity. I don't want to weigh 245 pounds. (Never thought you would see a woman divulge her

I do want to stop taking 10 medicines a day. I do want to wake up every morning and not feel like a bus has hit me. I do want to sleep through the night without snoring. I do want to be able to walk up to my apartment without being out of breath. I do want to enjoy life. I do want to stick around for a while and enjoy the wonderful people in my life.

I guess the things I want to do outweigh the things I don't.

And there it is. There is the small piece of truth that I will have to use as my "muse" to forge ahead in this quest, because honestly, there is not much else. I have enough energy to get to work, and work for eight hours. I go home and that's about it. And that's just not living.If you have known me for any length of time, you know that my weight has been an issue for almost all of my life. Many people have offered me wonderful tips and hints, but as one of the few lessons I have learned over the years, until someone is ready to deal with a problem, the best thing to do is to love them and pray for them.

I hope you will do that for me. That's what I need the most right now. That's what it's gonna take.

As for this blog, I am not sure what shape it will take. I don't know if it will become a "tips and tricks" forum, or a "this is where I am right now" place, or just a place where I can express myself. I imagine it will become something of a mix of that.

Whatever it will be, I hope you will come along. I sure could use some company for the ride.

B ;)